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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

His Momma Done Raised Him Right.


I just had to put a plug in for Nate. The past two mornings, I've been heading to teach in the morning and I've had a cold for the past 5 or 6 days or so. He's been taking super good care of me, and being patient with me. Yesterday morning, and today, he's headed out in his slippers and PJ's to scrape off the windshield, and to start up the car so that I can get to school on time without a lot of extra work. He's so great.

In fact, right now, he's making chocolate chip cookies. What a hunk!

We've been married for a year this Saturday, and he just keeps reminding me of all the reasons that I love him. Thanks Nate, I love you too.


  1. Happy one year, guys! I, for one, CAN"T BELIEVE it's already been a year!

    So glad you're so in love. Kindness in marriage: probably the greatest commodity in the world!!

  2. Happy Anniversary! You guys are great!

  3. Ahh, Novel... I'm thrilled your writing lives on! Glad you found us, and I'm excited we'll get to stay in touch.

  4. I'm so glad for you. And for everything else. Thanks for being yourself and my brother's other half! I just have to say that I did laugh that you called him a hunk. It's cute.
