Sunday, August 21, 2011

Layer Accessories

My accessories layering isn't that exciting. I took a pearl and silver necklace, and used it as inspiration to layer another pearl necklace as a bracelet with two silver bracelets. Not really a "Ta-Dah!" type of moment, bit it was fancy.

This shirt, however, is something to be excited about. This shirt is the shirt my mom wore in her engagement picture to my dad, approximately 28 years ago. After seeing Kayla's Remix Item, I got thinking about that picture, and this shirt. I asked my mom today if she still had it, and after church she came down with the shirt (which is actually the top to a skirt-dress combo) in hand.

So then things went like this:

"So...can I try this on?"

Try it on, decide it's kind of awesome.

"Do you mind if I wear this to dinner?"

Wear it to dinner. Get complimented. Love it.

Shirt: Mom's Engagement Photo shirt, Necklace: Kohls, Bracelets: all gifts, mom, grandma, husband, Pants: Calvin Kline, gift from Grandma, Shoes: Thrifted

In a side note, This shirt would make the best nursing top. I'm kind of tempted to try and copy the tulip-y pattern sometime...maybe.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. I love that rosy color on you! The cut of that shirt is really interesting. You'll have to tell me how it works, if you ever make one.
