Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Small Tip

There are about a billion recipes out there for making your own diaper wipes, so this is nothing new.  I'd never tried it before today, even though I'd been meaning to, but today, we just about ran out of wipes, which can be pretty awful, so it was time to try it out.

Diaper Wipes:

Roll of paper towels, cut in half (I used one of the ones with the "choose a size" perforations) 
2 cups warm water
squirt of baby shampoo
squirt of lotion
squirt of aloe vera gel

Put all the liquid stuff in your container, put on the lid, and mix it all together.  Then shove the paper towels in, cut side first.  Screw on the lid, and then turn it upside down after a few minutes so that everything gets its share of the solution.

Most of the recipes I saw called for some kind of oil...I don't know why.  I ignored that part.  They also called for a certain kind of Rubbermaid container, which I didn't have.  Instead, I grabbed this recently-finished jar of peanut butter container (it's a big one), and (with a bit of effort) shoved the paper towels into it.  Now, it's pretty much the perfect size.  So, there's the tip--use an old peanut butter jar.

Also, no crafty post would be complete without some decoupage...right?  Make sure you add that on there too. ;)


  1. They usually call for essential oils for both smell and antimicrobial properties. Now you know!

  2. Jordan's mom and Julie told me about doing this a long time ago. They even gave me the Rubbermaid containers. I've never tried it just because we've never run out of wipes. Maybe we'll try it when you're here next week ;)
