Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 10: Something that Scares You

Well, there are a lot of fashion things that scare me...but I don't really own any of them.  Pattern mixing is still a little bit scary to me, so I went with that for the outfit.
This isn't even scary pattern mixing...
Something that's always difficult for me is feeling like I look too "done up."  I want to look like I put some effort in (I certainly don't want to look like I just gave up), but I'm not quite sure where the line is yet, I guess.

Hair Curled and make-up done.
I never really wore make-up and such in high school...or most of college...or...most of anything, until about the last year or so, and it's because I feel a little bit like this:
And really, what self-respecting, non-diva mom wants to feel like she's putting on Miss Piggy airs?

Not me.

Be sure to link up to Kayla for the last day!


  1. Your makeup is nice and understated. I don't wear it either - the last time I wore more than a little powder to cover a blemish was on my wedding day seven years ago. And, the patterns you wore go nicely together.


  2. Love the Miss Piggy comment. I think you are not overdoing it on makeup. I like your key necklace and pattern mixing scares me too.

  3. Okay, you look CUTE! And not at all like Ms. Piggy. Pattern mixing used to scare me too, but I forced myself to do it a few times and now I love it!

  4. I'm not too good at pattern mixing either! This looks great though!

  5. Your make-up looks lovely. Not at all overdone! Way to face more than one fear! Thanks for your words about facing mine. I love my boots. They get worn with skirts all the time. It's the jeans that really scare me, but this is helping me get past it:)

  6. You look so pretty!! I feel the same way about makeup sometimes but then I look at pictures and realize you can't even see it. That always makes me feel better.

  7. Okay, very much NOT Miss Piggy. You look great, as you always have. You're someone who owns whatever style they try, which is so impressive.
