Thursday, March 29, 2012

Open to Interpretation, Round 3

It's that time again, another...

Amy's Pick
I have to admit, when I saw this, the super intelligent thought of, "Uhhhhh" was about all I managed.  Then I forgot all about it, until I saw Erica's reminder tweet, which happened to fall during nap time.  So I went to my closet, and grabbed a few things.

Polka Dot Shirt (actually maternity dress), Skirt (thanks Emily),  Cream colored belt (thrifted), Chunky Necklace (Kohls)
I...think I like it?  I don't know if I like it enough that I'd wear it outside the house.  I can't decide if I need a slip under the skirt to keep the polka dots from peeking through, and I can't decide if the really high waist makes me look more massive than I actually am.  Thankfully, the excuse of being 18 weeks pregnant lets you get away with being thick-waist-ed.

Also, remember when Janssen posted about her Leopard print flats?  It's probably one of the only items of clothing I regret not buying immediately.  Now, no leopard for my picture.  Tragic, really.

Be sure to check out Kayla, Erica, and Amy!


  1. I love the polka-dots and the teal! They look really good together! Maybe yeah, throw a slip on but then wear that thing to church!

  2. I am usually not one to buy something immediately, but when Madeline of Uber Chic for Cheap posted those shoes, I bought them immediately and I have not regretted it.

  3. I feel like Janssen's leopard print flats would be perfect for this one. Just the right amount of leopard. But I love your interpretation! You look so fantastic while pregnant.

  4. Very cute! I love that top, and the belted skirt! :)

  5. I think you did a great job! You got creative and that's what counts!

    Amy Day to Day

  6. I think you are totally adorable. I think the interpretation is cute!

  7. love the intrepretation!

  8. Just wanted to say thanks for your sweet note this morning. It made my day. I love you, friend! And you're cute as can be in all your outfits =)
