Friday, January 18, 2013


It's been a little while here, but I think I'm ready to do the 20 second catch-up version.

So Grayson was born.  He's really cute, and super sweet and smiley, but we had some issues with sleeping. 

Not to worry--Swaddling to the rescue!
 Actually, he probably just sleeps like a normal newborn.  Katie spoiled us with sleeping really well from the start.  Grayson liked to sleep for about 4 hours, and then get up every hour and a half or so.  Couple that with a pretty hot summer, and we had a lot of slow, lazy type of days around here after he was born.  Lots of family came to visit us including Emily and Jordan, My mom, and Nate's parents
Supervised Sibling Love
 Grayson got blessed
Bow Tie, and little Short-alls?  I die.  Didn't think I'd ever feel that way about short-alls...
We toured Chicago with various visitors.  Thank goodness that nursing has been pretty much a snap this time.  Grayson has eaten at just about every tourist place in the city, and on the train.
Two sleeping kids

 We took a road-trip down to Missouri to visit with Emily and Jordan and My parents (Maybe all of us next year?  Ashley and Lance?  Ryan and Rie?  Jared?)  The drive down was great!  Grayson surprised us all by sleeping for most of the trip, and Katie played on the iPad the whole time.

Katie is VERY good at mimicry. 
 Then we moved to a new place, which is great!  We're on the first floor, so there aren't any neighbors to bother below us, and we have a hallway that is literally about 30 feet long, which both Katie and Indy LOVE to run up and down to no end.

After the move (11 days after, to be precise) I flew out to Utah with Katie and Grayson.  I was a bit nervous about it, since flying with two kids sounded a bit daunting, but both were really great little travelers  and we met so many people who were very kind and willing to help us out when we needed it.  After getting to Utah, we enjoyed 3 weeks of family and fun.  Christmas was wonderful, the Cabin was great, and so was Katie's birthday.
Family Picture at Aspen Grove
 Speaking of Katie.  She's 3!  I'm amazed at how much older she seems to me since Grayson's been around.  Clearly, she can do many things that he can't do, but it seems like having a baby brother turned her into a kid, and not just a toddler.  In fact, she'll gladly remind you that she's a kid, and not a snickerdoodle, ladybug, sweet pea, or any other pet name.

Also, right before we left Utah,  Karly took some amazing pictures of my children.  It makes me so happy to have these.  She's so talented!
A smile, even though she didn't really want Grayson leaning on her.

Right in the middle of her attempts to make a silly face
Such a handsome kid.  

Love these two!

About 5 days before we left, the kids both started sleeping in until about 8:30 Utah time, which translated to 9:30 Chicago time, and hasn't really stopped since we've returned.  They've been getting up just a little bit earlier in the last couple of days, but we're certainly not in any rush to ring in 2013.  

Oh, lastly, Nate and I had our 6-year anniversary.  We've now been married longer than I was in college...and I have a feeling I've learned a lot more in that time period too.  Happy New Year!


  1. I love your kids, and I love that both already have their own little personalities. You're also looking great might I add!

  2. love the family photo at Aspen Grove!

  3. Great pictures and update. Such cute kids! And I never thought a boy blessing outfit could be so adorable. I will have to remember that one if we ever have a boy. Great adventures--you guys are awesome!

  4. Please blog non-stop because you're one of the best people in the universe. Also, more kid pictures. Please and thank you.

  5. Hey Nicole! I just found you through a pin on pinterest of your Freshman roommate who happened to include you in the post I was looking at! So good to see you in the cyber world. You have a beautiful family.
