Sunday, August 28, 2011


Huge Disclaimer: I have never seen the show Mad Men. I therefor cannot attest to the appropriateness or anything else about it...except the style.
I saw the Banana Republic Mad Men line highlighted on several blogs, and I decided that it had to be my copycat outfit.

This is my attempt at a copycat face...I'm pretty sure I failed.

Banana Republic Dress

My copy: Dress (as a shirt here): Thrifted, Skirt: Gift from mom, re-sized, Shoes: Thrifted, Scarf: Borrowed from mom, Necklace: gift from Nate


  1. Whoa mama you are fabulous. And Mad Men esque outfits suit your curvature just dandy!

  2. Um, yes. What Kayla said. Bow chika bow!
