Monday, August 29, 2011

Do Something New With your Hair

I'm flying home today, unless Hurricane Irene has something to say about it.
So I'm cheating a tiny bit. Just a little, itty, bitty teeeeeny bit and pre-shooting this post. Because I have never done this with my hair.

I used to have really long hair, until about 5 weeks ago. It had been years since it had been above my shoulders, and I loved it. Everyone who knows me from before those 3 years or so is thinking, "Huh?" Because before then, my hair was pretty much always short.

Anyway, my hair is short again, and I'm finding that it's a little harder to do new things with it, so here's what I did. I pulled small sections from either side, and then twisted and pinned until it all stayed.

I also parted really far over on the right. My typical part is usually about an inch more central than this.

This is my remix shirt, which I'm wearing with a skirt, but I'm not really counting this as fully remixed until I do something new with it next week. See you all in Pennsylvania!


  1. So pretty! I'm so excited to see what everyone does today...I'm hoping to pick up some ideas!
